Saturday, March 28, 2020

After the fact Smith capture account

This report appeared years after the fact.  However, it is definitely worth display here.

Remainder of above clipping.Remainder of above clipping. Sat, Jan 28, 1893 – 3 · St. Louis Globe-Democrat (St. Louis, Missouri) ·

More details on amount robbed

Initial press accounts seem to indicate the amount robbed was very small.
Details of amount robbed.Details of amount robbed. Fri, Mar 22, 1889 – Page 6 · San Francisco Chronicle (San Francisco, California) ·

Account of small amount robbed

One aspect of wildly divergent claims, opinions and accounts regard the amount of money actually stolen from the train at Canyon Diablo.  Here is an account detailing the smallest net amount we've seen.  Chances are the amount was slightly higher than this figure...but not much.
Robbery netted only small amount.Robbery netted only small amount. Sat, Mar 23, 1889 – Page 3 · The Arizona Champion (Peach Springs, Arizona) ·

Account of Prisoners being taken to Yuma

Here's a link that should take you to an account of the three robbers being taken to Yuma.
Account of taking prisoners to Yuma.Account of taking prisoners to Yuma. Wed, Jul 31, 1889 – Page 1 · Weekly Journal-Miner (Prescott, Arizona) ·

Smith brought to Prescott

Using the archives of Prescott's "Arizona Journal-Miner" we were able to pinpoint the date J.J. Smith was returned to Prescott by Sheriff O'Neill and railroad detective Holton.  Both these items are from the July 10, 1889, issue, Page 3, Column 1.